About Us

Who We Are

World Newz 24/7 is the most trusted and best source for news and analysis on politics, business, health, sports, and entertainment. We are an independent and defiant group of professionals who are dedicated to bringing you the latest, fastest, and most accurate news from around the world in a range of formats. We provide award-winning journalism that provokes our local communities to think and inspire them to take action.
The Site is known for its daring investigative reporting, its insightful coverage of public health and wellness, and its community-shaping opinions and editorials. The Powdersville Post is a flagship publication of South Carolina Media Group that publishes more than a dozen weekly publications around the southeast. Every day, our publications work collectively toward our vision of a free and enlightened world.

What We Do

Our mission is clear: we are in constant pursuit of the truth to help people better understand the world around us. We serve our readers, by shining a bright light that we hope will illuminate the truth and emancipate our society from the darkness of ignorance. This mission guides the work that we do every day. 
We believe that brave and honest journalism has the power to create a stronger and empowered society. We ask difficult questions and break big stories, and offer our readers unparalleled access to the people and events shaping our world today. We envision a society where our readers can question every news they hear and make sound judgments rather than being manipulated by words. We strive to play our part in building an empathetic, just, resourceful, better society.