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    HomeEntertainmentHoroscope for the Week of December 25, 2022, Weekly Horoscope

    Horoscope for the Week of December 25, 2022, Weekly Horoscope

    Overview: It’s not every week that Monday begins as productively as this one! Sun and Saturn form a sextile that helps us build big ideas as we start the week. On Wednesday, a Sun-Neptune square inspires you to cherish confusion. That’s right! Let uncertainty motivate you to get more deliberate, and also to potentially revise a plan. Come Saturday, Mercury and Uranus form a trine that continues the week’s intellectual theme, which could lead to an nnovative strategy that helps you change what you want to change!

    Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


    Tie up the loose ends, Aries! The sextile between Venus and Neptune on Wednesday wants you to complete something at work. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled career zone, so you’ll probably want to revisit, redo, and rethink all things work-wise. A powerful Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on Saturday will help you see which colleagues you can (and can’t!) rely on most.


    It’s not just you, Taurus. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile empathetically connects you with friends who’ll remind you that you’re not alone. On Thursday, you might want to revisit past ideas for further application when Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled wisdom zone. Then, a Venus-Pluto conjunction on Saturday changes the way you think about relationships–plus, it might even change certain relationships altogether!


    What’s the deeper truth, Gemini? Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile helps you do the work to understand. On Thursday, When Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled intimacy zone come Thursday, it’ll reframe how you approach sexuality, personal growth, and commitment. A tough Venus-Pluto conjunction on Saturday reminds you that relationships are v messy and hard, but so worthwhile.


    Compromise, Cancer! You may find yourself approaching negotiations differently on Wednesday, thanks to the Venus-Neptune sextile. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled romance zone, and brings previous patterns and people back into your life. It’s best to be curious instead of certain about any blasts from the past headed your way. Finally, the Venus-Pluto conjunction on Saturday helps you see healing and growth as the true markers of relational success.


    Break the habit, Leo! Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile wants you to change the way you talk to yourself, about yourself. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled wellbeing zone; this will motivate you to rethink your strategies for mental, emotional, physical health. As the week winds down, Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction helps you see which relationships in your life are totally healthy, and also which ones are most in need of some healing and TLC.


    Relationships can give you freedom, too, Virgo! Thanks to Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile, you’ll be inspired you to see the people in your life that help you feel fully alive. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled confidence zone, which will motivate you to regulate external factors that complicate self-esteem. When Saturday’s conjunction between Venus and Pluto arrives, it’ll arm you with the confidence to be more vulnerable.


    It’s all about doing small things often, Libra. You’re tuned into the subtle details this week, as Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile will help you notice the little things other people do. When Thursday rolls around, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled emotional safety zone: This should give you a crash course on naming your feels as you feel them. You’ll find yourself in mediator mode come Saturday, as the Venus-Pluto conjunction primes you to help heal family dynamics in a powerful way.


    Self-disclose, Scorpio! Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile has you sharing substantial intel with people who have earned the right to hear it. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled communication zone, asking for more clarity, questions, and curiosity. Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction helps you change your communication strategies for more fulfilling connections.


    Listen to your body, Sag! Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile helps you feel into the communication of your physical self. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled income zone; this should inspire you to tackle some financial research, reviews, and edits. Stresses around money will come full circle by the week’s end, as Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction heals fears, anxieties, and worries around your financial security.


    Happy Birthday, Cap! On Wednesday, Venus-Neptune sextile propels you to communicate your romantic longings. When Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on Thursday, get ready for a powerful transformation on how you think, listen, speak, and problem-solve. Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction wants you to leverage trust in relationships for mutual healing.


    Remember, you’re enough, Aquarius. The Venus-Neptune sextile on Wednesday reminds you of your inherent worthiness. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled closure zone, helping you release yourself from habits, patterns, and people that tend to keep you stuck. For further proof that this week is all about letting go and getting out of that rut, Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction frees you from a relational circumstance.


    Blur the lines of your relationships a bit, Pisces. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sexttile wants you to bring the best of romance to friendship…and to ramp up the friendship factor in the romance space. On Thursday, Mercury turns retrograde in your Capricorn-ruled friendship zone, inspiring a tough AF but helpful review of all your friendships. As the week winds down, Saturday’s Venus-Pluto conjunction will clearly reveal your most trustworthy friends.



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