I am here to help

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in nutrition. When I was young, I loved to help plant and harvest the family vegetable garden. Once in college, one of my favorite activities was visiting the farmer’s markets and learning the best way to prepare what the farmers were selling. I soon became fascinated by the science of how our food affected our health. As a registered dietitian, I continue to love learning about nutrition. While some people read books before bed, I’m reading research. I’m always looking to find a new discovery that can help my clients feel better.  I’m dedicated to helping my clients live happier, healthier lives. The best gifts I’ve received are the many hugs of thanks from those I’ve helped to get their lives back.


I have found that the gut health connection could be the answer for both one's digestive wellbeing as well as one's mental wellbeing.

Kim Kulp, RD

Qualifications and Credentials

  • Undergraduate degree  from the University of California, Davis
  • Graduate work and dietetic internship from San Francisco State University
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  • Inpatient care: Sutter and St Joseph Health
  • Outpatient care: Kaiser Permanente, Sutter and St Joseph Health
  • Behavioral Health: St Joseph Health
  • Digestive Health:: Marin Gastroenterology

Need an expert voice?

Media and Brand Partnerships

I have spent so much of my life learning about nutrition and it's radical impact on both digestive and mental health. My desire is to get this information in both patients and professional hands. If you need a speaker, guest writer or expert voice, please contact me. I would be honored to answer your questions.

Kim Kulp, RD


Syndicated In

Eat Right. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

National Speaker
State Conferences
Hawaii, Minnesota, California

Nike article - Get your Gut in Gear
96.5 KOIT San Francisco

San Francisco Radio Stations


Gut-Brain Axis EXPLAINED

The key to health is understanding your body and taking a holistic view of your health. This easy-to-understand eBook outlines the key facts that affect gut health. It also demonstrates how gut health directly impacts your digestive wellbeing and mental wellbeing. The statistics are clear and the science ever unfolding to bring clarity and confidence in doing all one can do to support health and happiness. 

Download now and start connecting to your wellbeing!

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