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Healthy snacks to satiate your midnight cravings

"It isn’t easy to stay guarded and diet-conscious late at night. But you can always munch on healthier options. So, the next time you crave to have something, grab these oh-so-healthy snacks to make it worthwhile," said Garima Gupta

healthy-snacks-pexelsThere's always a healthy alternative. (Source: Pexels)

Despite health experts recommending against it, many of us have been guilty of hijacking the fridge late at night to satiate unwanted hunger pangs with that leftover pie or cake. That is mostly because the craving is so high that we are forced to momentarily ignore the healthy eating agenda, and go on to please ourselves with fancy snacks.

But, why not munch on tempting, tasty, and healthier snacks that you won’t mind satisfying your early AM hunger pangs with!

Here’s a list of healthy pleasers for your midnight cravings, suggested by Garima Gupta, founder, Delicc.



These bite-sized crunchy delights are not only tasty, but also full of protein, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus.


Festive offer

Sweet, juicy, and hydrating! Berries are the perfect snack to have late at night because they are highly satisfying and contain vitamins, minerals, magnesium, and antioxidants that relax the nerves and muscle to bestow you with warm slumber.

These vitamin-packed fruits make a great snack. (Source: Pexels)

Nut mixes


Try these healthiest, yummiest, and crunchiest delights of nuts, seeds, and berries mix to satiate your hunger. Since they are full of fibre and protein, eating only a handful is enough to protect you from overeating.

Nut mixes to help prevent overeating. (Source: Pexels)

Energy bar

Energy bar has become the newbie of the late-night snacking world because of its high protein and fibre properties.



Popcorn contains serotonin (hormone) that helps you relax anxious nerves. Also, fibre content helps satisfy your hunger.

“It isn’t easy to stay guarded and diet-conscious late at night. But you can always munch on healthier options. So, the next time you crave to have something, grab these oh-so-healthy snacks to make it worthwhile,” said Gupta.

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First uploaded on: 07-01-2022 at 21:40 IST
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