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Count on these foods for good dental health

There are certain foods that get into our system and provide extra vitamins to the enamel of our teeth to keep them healthy.

dental health, oral hygiene, indianexpress, Ensure your oral hygiene is strong with certain foods. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Good nutrition is the key to healthy living. It’s a common saying that we are what we eat, but it’s to be noted that everything we consume has to enter through our oral cavity. It is very important to maintain mouth hygiene to support healthy eating, explains Dr Gunita Singh, director, Dentem.

Clean teeth equal fewer bacteria in the mouth. The food we chew is turned into a ‘bolus’ with saliva to enter the stomach. If the saliva and oral cavity are healthy, the food will remain hygienic. There are certain foods that get into our system and provide extra vitamins to the enamel of our teeth so that it gets stronger and healthier. Stronger teeth means we will be able to chew better and digest better.

Here are some foods that are good for our oral cavity.



An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This holds good for dentists too. The apple is also called a natural toothbrush. In fact, all crisp fruits and raw vegetables like carrot, celery, and apples help clean plaque and tartar from the teeth. They also reduce cavity-causing bacteria and increase the salivary flow in return keeping the oral cavity clean and healthy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables like oranges, lemon, mint, coriander, tomato, cucumber, pineapple and pear help protect our gums. Gums are the foundation of our teeth and help to keep teeth strong. Vitamin C is one of the key factors in our periodontal health. It also helps build up the immunity of the body and helps fight any of the infections in the oral cavity.


Festive offer

Strawberries contain whitening enzyme malic acid and can do wonders for our smile. To get a pair of pearly white teeth, rub strawberry directly onto the teeth or make a puree and rub like a paste.

bananas, health benefits of bananas, dental health, indian express lifestyle Rub your teeth using the inside of the banana peel for 2 minutes every day to get whiter teeth. (Photo: Thinkstock/Getty Images)



When we are talking of fruits how can we forget our favourite banana loaded with such amazing minerals, potassium, magnesium and manganese. This fruit can do wonders to our overall health. If you rub your teeth from the inside of the banana peel for two minutes every day, in two weeks, you will achieve much whiter teeth. This will also help curb teeth sensitivity, recommends Dr Singh.


Recent studies indicate that fresh cranberries interrupt the bonding of oral bacteria much before they can form a layer of plaque on your teeth.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato is a rich source of vitamin, which helps protect the enamel of our teeth and add on to white pearly teeth.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are the healthy dose of vitamins for both gums and teeth, spinach being rich in vitamin A, Vitamin B2, vitamin B12 is the top in the chart.

Cheese, milk and dairy products

cheese, oral hygiene Cheese is good for your oral health. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Cheese is a saliva maker and the calcium in cheese, calcium and phosphates in milk help put back minerals to your teeth and rebuild tooth enamel.

Green tea and black tea

Green tea and black tea contain polyphenols that interact with plaque bacteria. They kill or hold back the bacteria from attacking the teeth.

Foods with fluorides

Fluoridated drinking water helps provide extra fluoride to the teeth. Soups, juices, poultry products and seafood can do wonders.


Probiotics like yogurt help decrease plaque and improve the gums.

Fish and meat


They are rich in minerals and important vitamins like vitamin D. They are a very crucial part in any tooth-friendly diet and very beneficial for healthy teeth.

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First uploaded on: 11-07-2020 at 16:30 IST
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