Your story is important

Let's tell it in a way that makes the world notice

Schaus Creative helps businesses, organizations and individuals establish a brand that tells their story with clarity, brevity, and passion.

What story are you telling?

Ideas don’t change the world… but the stories they tell change everything.
Schaus Creative helps you develop the tools to tell your story in a way that motivates and engages the world around you…

Our services:

Where we study politics, pop culture and marketing to better communicate with the world around us.

Michael Schaus, Founder of Schaus Creative LLC

A story is just an idea that wants to be heard…

As an artist, writer and generally creative guy, Michael Schaus has spent his professional life building brands and finding uncommonly creative ways to engage and mobilize new audiences. He has worked as a national columnist, political humorist, and director of communications for a non-profit think tank. In these roles, he helped launch a nationally syndicated talk show, build the viewership of a nationally-recognized online publication, and has regularly transformed ideas, brands and concepts into stories that inspire change and motivate audiences. 

As Michael has learned throughout his years in policy, marketing and brand building, ideas alone don’t change the world… but the stories they tell can change everything. Today, Michael regularly writes for The Nevada Independent and numerous other publications about current affairs and political philosophy. 

Do more than engage new audiences — build entire movements around your brand

You’re passionate about what you do. Share that passion with us, and in three easy steps we can start building your story together.

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Where we study politics, pop culture and marketing to better communicate with the world around us.