The ONTRAC political action committee’s “kickoff team” gathers for a photo.

A group of Ottawa County residents have started a political action committee (PAC) to inform and activate people to get engaged with local government and to financially back candidates running in the county’s District 10.

A press release from the Ottawa North Tri-Cities Action Committee (ONTRAC) describes themselves as “a group of Northwest Ottawa County citizens (that) have joined forces to encourage responsible government and oppose the radical right-wing group Ottawa Impact.”


Contact Kayla Tucker at


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(3) comments


David (the man who thinks he's pregnant), seems to have commissioned Joe Biden to write his comments. . . .

David Barnosky

Congratulations ONTRAC on stepping into the limelight and living out your values in public. Thank you for letting the world see and follow your example. Ignore the ignorant alleged “Truth Sayers” who have nothing but negativity to share.

Anyone throughout Ottawa County can find their own equivalent group, because there are groups in different stages of formation in every County Commissioner District of Ottawa County. Sign up to find yours through “Organize Ottawa” by using their Google doc (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FQGF2tvfuY8dMVUTx8%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2IqJPG40N7f0QEohGSEM5tvTtBJa1fQdZTJP6sRBp7uS9Ow5rBt670YDk&h=AT3uQ5FyNmJZ2xuCEG_hARlXRFlWUJ-Ho8U765acZ2tW7lt05LSbHdh6GdZaZDmrfN0uQ-Up1XNMrzfizmYnBfoq0iguPZ8N0cIR6DHheruk5v_E9uTAX0pl6HyVxc9NvTbeNjV69g&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT2IODO6D7ekIMRa_qew9GF1fYyoykUNSzgmSQbWMevSe46qjVOCP0i5RikeVFnlCjx8kKyLJ3L_-BF5hb8hMrw28hgCi0SrhhS5H3k2bqOKajZR1NJ_xqOJvclSJMHo4osb2MLj0Zq5cCF96_B8KhnBOj8CNNaJAy1OGDEorL49VKslThpuH2tp-ECb4Pzi0711ZZ4E1_dT0FRx) which will help you identify your district and then connect you to them, or by finding them here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552045288549.

As always the opposition to OI keeps informed and connected through Ottawa Objects. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ottawaobjects/


Breaking News! The non-partisan Grand Haven Tribune devotes a huge story to 8 cat ladies and 3 male counterparts with name tags – all of whom reside in the only District that failed to elect a candidate representing traditional Conservative agendas as opposed to Christian Socialism.

Next scoop – winds expected at City Beach next week?

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