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Treating Depression in Salt Lake City

Best Depression Treatment In Salt Lake City

Nearly one-third of the 16 million Americans living with depression don’t respond to conventional antidepressant medications. Ketamine SLC offers safe and carefully monitored ketamine therapy as an alternative or supplemental treatment option. Call Ketamine SLC or schedule a consultation to learn how ketamine can relieve your depression symptoms. 

Our clinic is paving the way in the treatment of depression for Utah residents. Our staff is fully committed to helping each of our patients find relief and live their best lives. Our ketamine therapy has shown incredible results when other treatments have failed. We would like to invite you to learn more about the benefits of this treatment and discover if this therapy is right for you.

How Does Ketamine Treat Depression?

Ketamine provides relief from the symptoms of depression within minutes, rather than the weeks typical antidepressants may take. Traditional depression medications also get many patient’s out the door, but do not actually address their depression.

The common final pathway of depression, anxiety, and PTSD is the despair induced by three neuro transmitters shutting down. This is signaled by the lateral habenula burst mode. These transmitters include dopamine and serotonin.

Only ketamine is known to reverse this burst mode and provide the dendritic repair that is essential for long term control of depression. thereby ending the despair of the human brain’s most feared and destructive disease, major depression.

More Information About Depression In Salt Lake City

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders that many Utahns suffer from.

According to researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Utah suffered the highest rate of major depression in 2017 in the United States. They also concluded that neighboring states New Mexico, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona and Nevada also ranked in the top 10. 

Depression is an epidemic that has long been an issue for healthcare providers and sufferers alike. Ketamine is a modern medicine that helps manage the symptoms of depression.

depression rates
Depression, suicide rates highest in Mountain West states

According to the CDC in 2016, seven of the 10 states with the highest suicide rates were Mountain West states.

Montana had the highest suicide rate, followed by Alaska, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ketamine for Depression In Salt Lake City

Originally developed in 1962 as an anesthetic agent, Ketamine became approved by the FDA in 1970 primarily as an induction agent for general anesthesia for surgery for children, adults, and animals.

Ketamine has a remarkable safety track record, hence its use in children and animals alike. Within the last few years, ketamine has been widely used as a highly effective treatment for depression, PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, and other conditions.

The use of Ketamine in psychiatry is a relatively new practice in the last few years. Many universities and medical organizations have conducted scientific research to find that many patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression,  anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder,, addiction, etc. benefit from Ketamine treatments.

In these types of patients, when Ketamine is administered at a dose significantly lower than the anesthetic dosage often produces a very positive response.

There are three primary advantages of Ketamine treatment:

  1. Safety. Very first safety is key. All our treatments are administered under the direct supervision of a health care professionals. Side effects and contraindications to Ketamine treatments are very few.
  2. Rapid response. Unlike conventional medications that treat depression and other mental and mood disorders, patients respond to Ketamine very quickly. People who benefit from the treatment experience improvement during their first treatment. By the second or third session, treatment is definitive (compared to the several weeks or months it takes for the traditional medications to take effect).
  3. Efficacy. The success rate for those that benefit from ketamine is reported as high as 70-80%, with about 67% being the average, which is much higher than the treatment with conventional antidepressants alone.

For Ketamine shots or infusions, no… not yet. However, the FDA did recently approve Spravato (an esketamine nasal spray), in conjunction with an oral antidepressant as a way to treat depression.

In 1970, the FDA approved Ketamine for human use as an anesthetic medication, but it has come a long way and through much research behind became a widely used off-label treatment that is both safe and effective.

The effects from a single treatment typically last around two weeks. After a series of six treatments, some people could remain symptom free for several months. We also offer the option of booster shots which can be given monthly or a few times per year as needed.

A total of six treatments within a 3 month period is recommended in order to maximize the effects of Ketamine.

Starting our patients off with a six treatment regimen and increasing dosage, we are able to convert Ketamine from a medicine to a friend. Once an individual has developed a relationship with Ketamine, we are able to provide treatments as infrequently as every three months.

The repair and growth of new nerve cells over time is what can lead to long lasting improvements in symptoms. However, the total length of treatment depends on each individual’s unique circumstances.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Depression is a widespread mental health condition that causes a persistent, low, depressed mood. The disease affects your mood, how you think, and your behavior, which can have a severe impact on your ability to function in everyday life.

Some frequent symptoms of depression include:

  • Feeling sad, hopelessness, or worthlessness
  • Reduced concentration and decision-making skills
  • Changes in appetite or sleeping habits
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Lost interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Symptoms can range in severity but must be present for two weeks or longer for a clinical depression diagnosis.

Depression is much different than grief or sadness. It can last much longer while grief and sadness come in waves and subside. Depression is always present and doesn’t go away. However, events that trigger grief and sadness can also trigger depression.

One should seek help at the first signs of depression. The earlier one begins treatment, the easier is it to find relief from the symptoms.

Unfortunately, early signs can be missed, or one might refuse to seek help until they realize the huge negative impact the untreated condition has on their life.

Ignoring a mental health issue does not make it go away, in fact when this happens it usually results in further negative impacts on a person’s life. 

Relationships can become damaged or drug or alcohol addictions can manifest as a result of self-medication.

The good news is that seeking help for a depressive disorder can help people begin to end the damage that their condition is causing to their life.

Many different factors can contribute to depression. In many cases, abnormalities in the neurotransmitters and receptors that regulate your mood contribute to depression. 

Family medical history can also play a part to pass on depression or other mental health conditions. If you have a family member with a mental health condition you have an  increased risk of developing the disease as well. 

Trauma, violence, abuse, neglect, and poverty can also increase your risk of developing depression.

If you want to to help someone showing signs of depression, the first thing to do is start the conversation. Let them know you care, and offer to help them find a solution to subside their symptoms. Surrounding someone with this condition with love and support is the best way to help them find the treatment that they need.

Now that more is known about depressive disorders, there is no reason to suffer in silence. New treatments make it possible to manage the symptoms of depressive disorders so that everyone has the chance to live life to its fullest potential.

Whether you or a loved one needs help, seeking professional treatment is the first step to providing long-lasting relief to make life enjoyable again.

If you or a loved one is searching for depression treatment in Utah, please contact us today to learn more about the benefits of our Ketamine therapy.

Is Ketamine For Depression Right For You?

Are you suffering from a treatment-resistant condition?
Do your existing medications not work so well anymore?
Get all your questions answered and find out if
ketamine is the solution you've been looking for.

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