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  • 480 paid members
  • 442 posts
  • $936.7/month

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Elf 🍃
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This rank is for support and sneak peaks!

thank you for the love, srsly ;3; Let me know on tumblr if you support me and I'll follow you!
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Petal 🌸
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You will get 1 week early access to releases, sneak peaks, sim downloads, lot downloads and more!

Pixie ✨
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Thank you for your pledge! With this rank you will receive 2 week early access new mods, scrapped cc, beta testing, voting, and sneak peaks!

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Unicorn 🦄
 / month
Thank you so much for supporting me! You can message me at anytime for help with cc and request one simple mod! You will also get access to all previous tier rewards.
  • Discord access 
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