Can You Eat Egg Shells? The Answer Is Surprising

A boost of calcium with every crack.

Have you ever taken a bite out of an omelet or baked good only to taste a crunchy bit of an eggshell? While it might not be appetizing or ideal, consuming eggshell remnants is more common than you think, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just like eggs, eggshells have various nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies.


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Can You Eat Eggshells?

It’s natural to want to fish out the eggshell fragments from whatever you’re making, but you shouldn’t stress if you find that some pesky pieces are left behind. Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate, a common form of calcium that makes up our nails, teeth, and bones, but they also contain other proteins and minerals. In fact, many health food and supplement stores sell eggshells in powder form, which can be especially helpful for those with osteoporosis. You can also purchase eggshell membrane powder, which is proven to aid joint health.

However, before you start munching on eggshell scraps, there are still some important things to be aware of. Firstly, eating sharp pieces of eggshells could scrape or even puncture your throat. And if the pieces are coming from a raw egg, there could be risks of bacteria, like salmonella.

If you’re in need of a calcium boost, you can make your own cost-effective eggshell powder supplement at home. Start by placing the eggshells in a saucepan, covering them with water, and boiling them for about 15 minutes. This will sterilize the eggshells and make them safe to eat. Then, it's time to break them down. Most people prefer to use a mortar and pestle to break down eggshells, but you can also use a blender or rolling pin. It’s just crucial to make sure the shells are ground until they’re super fine. Once the eggshells have a fine consistency, you can add the powder to smoothies, baked goods, or even soups, to get an extra dose of calcium.

So, next time a small piece of eggshell finds its way into your meal, don’t sweat it! It’s basically like eating a vitamin. 

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