Democracy Dies in Darkness

Trump now promises a Republican health-care bill in [checks notes] 2021

Analysis by
National columnist
April 4, 2019 at 12:01 p.m. EDT
President Trump has vowed Republicans will be the "party of health care." However key Republicans have yet to heed the president’s urgent proposals. (Video: Taylor Turner/The Washington Post)

On the campaign trail in 2016, Donald Trump was explicit about the urgency with which the Affordable Care Act would be repealed.

“On Day One,” he said on March 3 of that year. “On my first day,” he said every day from Sept. 12 to 16. “On my first day,” he said on Sept. 21 and 22. “On my first day,” he said on Oct. 4. “First day in office,” he said on Oct. 25. Each time, the pledge was essentially the same: He would demand that Congress lay on his desk a proposal to repeal President Barack Obama’s health-care law and offer a replacement.